Author: okhin
I’m tired of this shit
[[!meta description="""I’m getting really tired and bored about those crypto nerds who do not understand threat models, general public and who assume they Shooting the ambulance It seems that there’s a national sport among crypto nerds, and it’s shooting the ambulance. Yeah, I know, I’ve been kind of naive thinking that some people with common…
Crypto fallacies
This post is a follow-up on what I tweeted yesterday – hours before the constitutional council gave its approval of the new French Intelligence bill. First tweet is here Where I come from Before writing this article, I think it’s important to give some context about what I’ve done the last few years. So, before…
As-t-on besoin de vie privee ?
Ohai, Those are the notes I used for my talk at the Ubuntu Party in May 2015. So it’s in French – sorry but feel free to translate. It’s about privacy, and it intends to give other way to talk about it. As-t-on vraiment besoin de vie privée? "On the internet nobody knows you’re a…
PJL Renseignement … stop fleeing!
PJLRenseignement If you haven’t heard, there’s an emergency law currently “debated” in France, which wants to legalize illegal practices from the Intelligence services (both domestic – DGSI – and foreign – DGSE) and gives them impunity, circumvent the judge, and goes to a massive discriminatory surveillance. The hashtag is full of report of people opposing…
My depression
I’m depressed. It’s quite obvious if you look at it from the symptom part. But I’m still reading or getting comment from people who thinks it’s just a small blues – like a Monday morning blues when the week-end is done and you’ve got to get to work. It’s like saying that the small bruises…
Context So, I receive queries for people wanting my point of view on various things – ok no, on internet and surveillance, privacy and stuff like that, they do not consult me for issues like climate change and the like. So my email adress is like public data, and people finds me. It’s not always…
Back Online
Last year (or so) For the last year, and a good part of the year before, I was working for a NGO: The International Federation of Human Rights as an ICT manager. Which – for anyone who ever worked as an operational engineer in an NGO -implies doing way to much work. From helpdesk to…
Crypto parties.
Once uppon a time When AsherWolf coined the term Crypto Party, there was an actual need for a specific part of the population to get trained to use encryption tools. We were in the middle of all the revelation of censorship done in the Maghred dictatorship and dictators were thrown out on an almost weekly…
Fuck Privacy
Privacy … Really? What’s privacy? It’s quite easy, it’s everything that’s not in the public space. But public space is the reflect of our society. What you see in the public space, is the reflect of the society. That’s exactly why cities try to hide homeless people, or – at least – send them in…
Waking up. Awake. Or not entirely. I’m still lost between both state, asleep – and no, it does not imply dreams for I do not remember them – and awake. Somewhere something is ringing to try to awake me. I’m craving. Craving of data. I need to chck what happened for those hours I was…