Author: okhin
Why you should refuses Premiums
What is the net neutrality? If you’re not comfortable about the Net Neutrality, it is the defining concept of the internet. Simply put, it can be summed by this sentence: Each packet is created equal in right and duty. This is it. A packet is an atomic part of a communication between computers, it is…
Hackers and Politics
Context It’s always important to have context. And the why I wrote things is probably more important than what I wrote. So, here is the context. Frédéric Bardeau, founder of an ethic communication agency directed to NGO (Agence Limite) is gravitating around the problematics of collaboration between Hackers and NGO and he gave an interview…
VPN in a pocket
About the so-called Pirate Box Everything started when I found not less than three pirate boxes running at the PSES 2012 conferences and all of them were unaware of the two other. Worse, you could connect to one piratebox or to the internet, but not both, because pirate box runs off-line. And this is the…
Discrimination and gaming
Context For two or three days there is quite some agitation around a video about the ordinary sexism. The video has been made for national Belgium news report and is then in French, but you’re favorite translators tool will give you some help to translate it. So, since I have a lot of sociopaths, feminists…
The pirate Part and I
Once upon a time in the web I was gonna write a disclaimer about me not being objective about the Pirate Party, and them who will probably jump on me because I’m saying shit. But, well, fuck objectivity. I am nothing like objective and you probably know that. And if you take this too seriously,then,…
This is not a total victory
ACTA is dead Just in case you’ve spent the last week celebrating the almost formal finding of the Higgs Boson’s, citizens have bring ACTA to an end in the European parliament. Yay, champaign for every one. However, even if ACTA is now a political sinking ship and if I expect things to change in the…
Disclaimer I won’t speak about everything we’ve discussed, for people lives are at stakes. Also, as usual when things are done with orgs, I mostly spoke with people, not the entire organisation. And, since they’re not robots, their view does not reflect the view of everyone behind the AFP name. I had a lunch meeting…
Stupid journalists are killing people
Stop killing people, stop using Skype! A journalists friend of mine pointed me to a news flash from AFP – REF: 29578 DVBP 729 GLN20 (4) AFP (295) , if it means something to you – in which they killed someone. Or, if it’s not the case, he will be killed soon. Why? First, they…
How did I streamed the last JHack conference
Introduction So, yesterday, the regular Jhack crew set-up an event with Richard Stallman to talk and exchange around the issues involving Free Software and Human rights. And, as we want to build and keep history (also, it was a week day, so some people can’t come physically to the nice place we’ve had for the…
LQDN Needs your support
Once upon a time Once upon a time, the intertubes were the people wet dream, silicon and copper made, connecting each and every computer that could be physically connected to it. The tubes were made to be resilient, even with low resources, and a lot of volunteers worked day and night to maintain it alive.…