Introducing the yubikey
The yubikey is a small device that act as a token generator for authentication system. Yubico build them and, as they’re seen as a Universal Keyboard, they can be easily interfaced with any kind of system.
From generating OATH token, to One Time Password systems, going by Radius and OpenVPN server authentication, they can be used for a lot of funny things and, among other thing, it’s free software (not free hardware, alas). The token is at $25 and you can order them by huge quantities.
Simply put, it’s a good token for it’s price and, given my threat model (my computer being stolen) it is enough.
So, some disclaimers.
- I have no interest in the yubico company or any of their software.
- You can end permanently locked out of your stuff if you lose your key and if it’s the only way you have to login. But, it’s what I’m looking to achieve.
- I am not a security expert. I haven’t notice any obvious security flaw, that does not mean there is not. However, the yubikey seems to do the job.
- I use Archlinux, and the AUR. You’ll have to adapt things for your distro, but you’re a grown up now, it should not be a problem.
- The challenge-response mode described here, is only available on Yubikey 2.2 and later.
What are we going to do
The first thing I wanted, was to lock my computer when the key is away. The simple thing is to launch a xlock on running X servers. It’s far from perfect, but if I can do this, I can do more.
The second thing I wanted was to be able to forbid login to people who lack either the key or my user password, a classic Two-factor authentication. But I wanted to do that offline, and without using the static key configuration of the yubikey.
But first, I need some packages, so let’s do some yaourt.
[okhin@tara.sunnydale]$ yaourt -Sy libyubikey pam_yubico ykclient ykpers
The first and second packages, are needed for pam, the last ones are needed for using your key. It seems that some tweaking may be necessary in the PKGBUILD file of pam_yubico. I have change the –with-pam-dir options of the configure invocation to be /usr/lib/security and I added _CFLAGS=-DHAVE_LIBYKPERS1 to the make invocations.
Configuring udev
So, first thing to do for xlocking everything when removing the YubiKey is to add some udev rules. On my Arch system, they’re located into /usr/lib/udev/rules.d and it’s recommended to use a low priority one, so let’s edit the 99-yubi.rules file in this dir. I just need to rules:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1050",ATTRS{idProduct}=="0010",GROUP=yubi,MODE="0660" SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ACTION=="remove",ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="Yubico",RUN+="/usr/local/sbin/xlock-yubi"
The first one is a classic Udev rule, and you’ll need to create a group named yubi and to add users who’ll configure the key in this group.
The second one is a bit tricky. The yubikey is detected by the system as 3 devices (on usb, one input and one hidraw), and, if you do not add the SUBSYSTEM part, you’ll have to go through 3 xlock screens before unlocking your device. It’s not that good.
The other weird part is that, when configuring or dealing with your yubikey, the tools scan for the key, and so remove the input/hidraw part of it in udev before adding them back. The subsystem that get disconnected only when you remove the key of your computer, is the usb SUBSYSTEM.
And, for the script, well, do whatever you want in it. It’s not the topic of this post, maybe later.
So, now, when you’re going to get your key out of a USB slot, it will call the script. At least, once you’ve reloaded the udev daemon:
[root@tara.sunnydale] # udevadm control --reload
There’s also a udevadm monitor command that is quite handy when debugging udev rules.
Set up the key
Ok, now, when you unplug any Yubico branded devices, you’re going to lock your screen. We’re going to move into the fun stuff now.
There’s a command for customizing your yubikey. You have to know that this key can handle two different configuration. I’ll use the second one, keeping the first one for other purposes yet to find.
So, let’s burn a new configuration for activating challenge-response:
[okhin@tara.sunnydale] $ ykpersonalize -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac
It will ask you for a AES passphrase, I used one generated by the yubikey (by pushing the button), but feel free to use what you want. You won’t have to use it again, since the AES key will be stored on the yubikey and that no one will be able to read it anymore.
Next options, is to generate the pam configuration for the challenge, and we need a ~/.yubico dir for that. Protect the files inside this directory, for they contain the challenge.
[okhin@tara.sunnydale] $ mkdir ~/.yubico
And then, run this utility to configure the challenges that will be used by pam.
[okhin@tara.sunnydale] $ ykpamcfg -2 -A add_hmac_chalresp
You’ll have a file named challenge-KEYID in your ~/.yubico directory. It contains the file you need.
If, like me, you have an encrypted /home that is mounted using pam_mount at login, you cannot use this configuration. So, creates a world read-writable directory where you’ll store your challenges.
[root@tara.sunnydale] # mkdir /etc/yubico/challenges -p
And then, move your file in it, keeping a 0600 mask and the ownership correctly set-up (that is, only the user that will use this key should be able to read it). Replace the challenge part of the name by the username:
[okhin@tara.sunnydale] $ mv {~/.yubico/challenge,/etc/yubico/challenges/okhin}_KEYID
And now, we just have to play with pam.
I wanted to force users on my graphical login manager to have a key. And to enter their Unix passphrase (I use it to mount my encrypted /home) at prompt. Both conditions being required to get a login.
So, in my /etc/pam.d/slim file I’ve added this line just above the pam_unix module:
[...] auth required mode=challenge-response chalresp_path=/etc/yubico/challenges auth required nullok [...]
If you want to consider that having the yubikey is the only necessary thing, then change the required by sufficient. You have to know that no password will be asked for. As soon as the yubikey is plugged into your computer, knowing your login name is enough to get access to a session, and it is a security risk.
Relaunch your session-manager and window-manager, plug your key inside your computer, and login. It will asks for your username and password, as usual. However, if you haven’t got your key plugged into your system, then you’ll be unable to login.
Congratulations, you’re done. Try to keep a way to still log into your system, in case you lose your key.
You can also have different key for one user (just add new challenges file). And you can probably have one key for different user (didn’t test that).
What’s next?
I need to change my xlock script to log me out of the box, when the key is unplugged. I need to figure a way to use the yubikey challenge-response mode with system like luks or GPG.
Also, I’d like to use to remotely connect on VPN or SSH, but I need to look into those HowTos. If some of you wanna give it a shot, you know how to reach me.